It’s completely normal to want to save you money here and there, but if you truly want to live below your means, there are a number of changes that you can make, from big to small, that will truly make a difference. Here are just a few examples.
Cut the cable
With streaming services coming out of your ears, do you really need cable TV as well? How many times do you log onto a streaming service to watch an old show that you love rather than watching live TV?
Though it might come in handy now and again, if you aren’t using your cable all the time, it can be a great expense to cut out. Cable TV isn’t cheap and as it offers much of the same as your top streaming services, why have both?
It might feel odd at first, but you will certainly get used to not having it after a while and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.
Work remotely
If you’re in a career that can be done remotely or the business you work for is offering this as an option, it can be a great way to save more.
When you don’t have to commute anymore and can save you money on smaller things like lunch and coffees, you will really see the savings add up after a while. There are several other benefits to working from home, but the potential to save a lot of money is certainly one of the biggest.
Many people ask themselves what the point of having a big house is if you aren’t spending much time in it. Having to keep up the mortgage or rent costs of a big house, not to mention the bills included, can often mean working much more.
This defeats the purpose, though, as you spend more hours away from home so that you can afford to live in it when you’re there.
Of all the changes on this list, this is certainly one of the biggest. Downsizing to a smaller home can really change your life, as you no longer have to pay as much money just to live.
Moving all of your stuff doesn’t have to be difficult either, as there are loads of companies looking for shipping work at your fingertips. Companies use things like a load board for shipping work to find customers like you to help with their moving needs.
No more coffee out
While the old adage that stopping buying coffee out can help you buy a house has been debunked time and time again, it’s undeniable that cutting out this habit can save you quite a bit.
When you’re spending something small day-to-day, it doesn’t feel like a lot. However, over time it adds up and can have a huge impact on your bank balance. Making coffee at home for just a month can show you the difference in spending, and you probably won’t want to go back, no matter how good the coffees are.
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