Many people don’t even consider the possibility of working part-time instead of full-time. But, as well as the obvious benefit of more free time, there are many other perks think that might make part-time work a more attractive option. This article details five such bonuses.
You might think a full-time job is the only viable way for you to make ends meet. But, opting for a part-time job instead might open up more opportunities than you’d think. Furthermore, while you may temporarily sacrifice some luxuries, shorter workweeks may leave you feeling better physically and mentally.
Whether part-time is an option for you will depend on your circumstances. But, before you brush off the possibility, give the following five perks some consideration.
1. More Time for Self-Development
Working part-time instead of full-time means you have more time to work on yourself and pursue new projects. For example, this could mean developing a new skill or going back into education. As a result, while you might earn less, for the time being, you may be able to position yourself in a better place regarding future employment. You might even surprise yourself and discover that you have a talent for something you didn’t realize before. Furthermore, you might even be able to turn a hobby into an income.
2. More Time to Explore New Opportunities
Continuing from the last point, the extra free time part-time work provides allows you to be more flexible and act on any opportunities that may arise. After all, you’d have more time for job hunting and working on your resume than many others do. You’d also have more time to work on side gigs and freelance work. Part-time work is an excellent way for those looking to freelance to retain a steady income while setting up their business.
3. More Control Over Your Work-Life
When you work full-time, your work often becomes your only source of income. As a result, you’re more inclined to continue working a job you hate, just for the security. On the other hand, choosing to work several part-time jobs or working part-time alongside freelance work means that there isn’t as much on the line if one job falls through since you would still have at least some income while looking for something new. The result is a shift in the employer-employee balance of power that works in your favor.
4. More Time for Family
Working fewer hours means more time for the meaningful things in life, like family. As a result, part-time work is particularly appealing to people with children. Not only would you get to spend more time with your kids and take them to school, but you might also save on daycare costs.
5. Reduced Stress and Better Health
Working part-time means more time in the sun, more time for exercise, and more time to commit to a healthy lifestyle. Working part-time may also help you avoid lifestyle inflation: where a person’s expenses increase as income increases. Therefore, part-time work may be a genuine consideration if you are willing to adjust to a lower standard of living in exchange for free time.
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