So folks! The wait is over now. Everyone’s favorite, SMITE, has already launched its season 8, all thanks to the determination of fans.
As we all know, whenever a new season is launched, some exciting new characters are also added to maintain the players’ interest.
The Smite Tier List for the current season serves as an invaluable resource for players looking to optimize their gameplay experience. This comprehensive list categorizes gods and goddesses into tiers based on their overall performance and effectiveness in battles. By consulting the tier list, players can strategically select characters that align with their playstyle and team composition, thereby increasing their chances of success on the battlefield. Additionally, the tier list provides valuable insights into the meta-game, highlighting which gods are currently dominating the competitive scene and which ones may require buffs or adjustments. With the Smite Tier List for Season at their disposal, players can stay ahead of the curve and elevate their gaming experience to new heights.
However, not all the characters are worth playing; some of them are incredibly useless. But it isn’t easy to check each one by one, so it’s better to take a look at Smite Tier List, in which all the characters are rated and ranked according to their worth. So you won’t have to play each character to find out its benefits, but only check from the list and select the one that seems suitable. So let’s have a look.
Smite Tier List – Category Explanation
Before hopping on to the tier list, it’s essential to know the description of the categories so that the choice becomes more accessible.
Smite Tier List includes 6 significant categories named SS or S+, S, A, B, C, and D, in which the characters have been distributed depending on their efficacy. So let’s have a look at the description of each category:
- SS or S+:These Gods are at the top of the list and are highly suggested because of being savagely powerful. Defeating these Gods is nearly impossible. That’s why they are mostly the first picks of the players.
- S: The Gods in the S tier are a bit less potent than those in the former. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t worth it. Playing with these characters is still going to get a kick out of the game, as they really know when and how to turn into a beast.
- A: One can consider these Gods as a pretty good choice. Though not quite as powerful as the above two Tiers, these characters are a thumbs up if you tend to win the battle because they carry the strength and stamina you are looking for.
- B: Not too strong and not too weak. These Gods perfectly lie in the category of being average. Though they do not meet the efficacy criteria that you require, they are still a good choice for newcomers.
- C: These Gods are generally not suggested to play with because they are not fit for serious battles. However, they are also not a very bad choice for beginners or if no option is left. There is still hope to rely on them.
- D: The Gods in this category are not worth it at all. Don’t ever go for them, as they will make you lose your fight, so avoid them as much as possible.
Smite Tier List – Season 8 – 2023
Now, let’s have a look at the 2023 Smite Tier List of season 8, shall we?
Rank SS
- Odin
- Yemoja
- Cthulhu
- Kukulkan
- Tsukuyomi
- Agni
- King Arthur
- Heimdallr
- Thor
Rank S
- Athena
- Ah Puch
- AoKuang
- Raijin
- Susano
- Tyr
- Isis
- Merlin
- Jing Wei
- Ratatoskr
- Ullr
- Hera
Rank A
- Ares
- Artio
- Baron Samedi
- Change
- Hercules
- Chiron
- Cerberus
- ErlangShen
- Cu Chulainn
- Geb
- Ganesha
- Discordia
- Fenrir
- Hou Yi
- Janus
- Kuzenbo
- Ne Zha
- Pele
- Ravana
- Vulcan
- Xbalanque
- Persephone
- Zhong Kui
- Achilles
- Anhur
- Terra
- Thoth
- Vamana
- Aphrodite
- Bellona
- Cernunnos
- Rama
- Ra
- Sun Wukong
- Sylvanus
- The Morrigan
- Zeus
- Chernobog
- Chronos
- Cupid
- Hun Batz
- Izanami
- Khepri
- Medusa
- Hachiman
- He Bo
- Horus
- Mercury
- Scylla
- Serqet
- Sobek
- Sol
- Neith
- Nemesis
Rank B
- Amaterasu
- Apollo
- Awilix
- Artemis
- Camazotz
- Bacchus
- Chaac
- Guan Yu
- Fafnir
- Hades
- Jormungandr
- Set
- Kali
- Nu Wa
- Skadi
- Xing Tian
- Thanatos
- Ymir
- Anubis
- Ah Muzen Cab
- Arachne
- Nike
- Cabrakan
- Hel
- Poseidon
- Osiris
Rank C
- Da Ji
- Olorun
- Freya
- Bakasura
- Nox
- Bastet
- Kumbhakarna
Rank D
- Loki
Choose the Best Characters for Each Role
As most of you are old SMITE players, you might know that there are four players’ roles in this game, i.e., The Solo, The Support, The Jungler, and the ADC. Though you are free to choose any of the Gods you like for their respective roles, it is better to know which God is the best suit for the role depending upon their features.
So let’s have a look at which Gods you must go for when considering a specific role:
The Best God as Solo Laner
Solo laners have the capacity and the ability to beat down their opponent on their own. They don’t need any backup, they don’t need any help, and they don’t need any support. They are what you call a one-man army. So if you are planning to play the game as a solo Laner, the best characters to go for are King Arthur, Tyr, Chu Chulainn, Sun Wukong, and Bellona.
The Best God as Support
When you play a really complex part in the battle, and suddenly the need for a backup arises, then the Support God is the one that comes to your rescue. In this case, you have to make your back strong; therefore, it is essential to choose the right Gods who can help when you need them. The best support God characters in smite includes Sobek, Athena, Fanir, and Ganesha. They are brilliant for planning backup help.
The Best God as Jungler
The jungle is the game part in SMITE where you can earn the most of the bonus, but only if you choose the right strategy. As you know that while traveling through the jungle in SMITE, you don’t directly come face-to-face with your opponent. Instead, you have to defeat the monsters to get the bonus. These monsters are, though not impossible but are not easy to defeat. Therefore, you must choose the right God to defeat these monsters. Gods that fight the battle in the Jungle are called Jungler. The best junglers in SMITE include Sett, AoKuang, Nemesis, and ErlangShen.
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The Best God as ADC
The Role of an ADC in Smite of to get as much farm as possible for the team to lead and carry them toward their late gate. The best Gods for the Role of ADC in Smite are Apollo, Cupid, and Hou Yi. In some cases, Danzaburou is also considered a great ADC for Smite.
Best God as Neith
Neith is regarded as the most beginner-friendly Hunter class god among all due to her simple set of moves. Her appearance is intended to be friendly for new Smite players. Any adversary god that is accessible to her or her allies will be locked upon by her ultimate. The lack of cover in the arena makes it so that all 10 gods are frequently present at all times. So, this is where Neith comes in since players who pay close attention can use her ultimate to its greatest potential and lock down strikes on gods who narrowly managed to get away from group fights or other encounters.