Photos of those we love and the moments we cherish do little good if they aren’t seen. That’s why so many people hang their favorite photo on the walls of their home.
Traditionally, a photo is hung in a frame but there are so many ways to hang a photo on your walls that break tradition and add a special touch to your home.
Not only will these photo hanging ideas add a unique style to your home, but they will also draw the eye of your visitors to the photos themselves.
1. Unexpected Frames
One of the easiest ways to hang your photos with a unique spin is just to use something unexpected as the frame.
You can hang photos from anything that will hold them to the wall. Some examples include clipboards, wooden pant hangers, binder clips, yarn and clothespins, or just pin them to the wall with a dart.
2. Photos in a Window Pane
Old rustic windows are very popular in the shabby chic interior design world. These can be transformed into a new way to hang your photos as well.
Add a photo to each window pane and hang the entire window frame from the wall.
It will make it look like you are gazing through a window, seeing all your favorite photos.
Read More: 7 New Wall Decor Ideas – This Festival Make Your Walls Uniquely Attractive
3. Macrame Picture Display
Macrame wall hangings have become very popular. They have a very natural and boho vibe about them.
These pieces of art made from simple materials like yarn and wood are surprisingly intricate. Even so, there are many people who make them by hand and you can too.
In fact, you can make a macrame wall hanging that includes spaces to tie in your favorite pictures.
4. Driftwood or Branch
One interior design trend that doesn’t ever go out of style is using natural elements to design our home.
For hanging photos, a long piece of driftwood or an interestingly shaped branch are a perfect beginning to your next photo wall hanging.
Simply attach a few pieces of string dangling down from strategic parts of these branches and tape or clip photos on these dangling strings.
The resulting effect will be that of natural beauty.
5. Corkboard Collage
Instead of hanging photos from the wall, why not hang something else on the wall and hang photos from that?
Corkboard is such a versatile material. It could make the most ideal background for a photo collage.
The photos would be easy to place on the corkboard. You can either use push pins or glue to attach them.
When it comes to the design, there’s no right or wrong way. You can make it a mixed media collage with some personal photos, some clips from magazines, and some findings you want to display.
6. Washi Tape Design
You don’t need a frame at all to display your photos in style. You can create your own custom frames by sticking washi tape directly onto the wall around your photo.
The best thing about washi tape is that you can change the size, color, and pattern of your frame to suit your preferences. You can even mix and match with different patterns for a more eclectic look.
If you absolutely must have a solid frame, you can still use washi tape to jazz it up. Just buy a plain wood frame or cheap frame from the dollar store and add washi tape to the outside of the frame.
Here is an easy tutorial on how to create one of these washi tape picture frames.
7. A Corner Display
Sometimes it’s not what you use or how you hang them, but where you hang them that can create a unique look.
Most gallery walls are placed in the middle of a wall but for a different twist, why not create a gallery wall where two walls meet?
This can either be at a concave corner, or where two walls meet creating a 90 degree angle, or at a convex corner, or where two walls meet creating a 270 degree angle.
To pull this off isn’t easy, considering that you would almost want to make the photos melt together across the corner, but for a few ideas check out these tips.
Of course, you can always display your photos the old fashioned way. To ensure you do this right, make sure you design a photo wall the right way.